Yuta Sumiyoshi is one of the young featured stars of the iconic Taiko Performing Arts Ensemble Kodo, featured mainly on drums and the bamboo flute. He is able to see things from an objective point of view, and deals with challenges with remarkable flexibility. Known by colleagues as Kodo's "sound maker," Yuta specializes in nimble drumstick work, and is always enhancing the musicality of performance pieces. He has composed several pieces featured on the Kodo stage, including Yui, Kei Kei and Sasurai. Intensive participants will learn different playing styles in katsugi okedo and multi-drum, with Yuta's philosophy and methodology on a comfortable stance and hand stroking movements while playing creative phrases on each style. The workshop will also cover his methodology on music composition as well.
Fee $500 - this covers all workshops, Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner and Sunday breakfast and lunch (home cooked, healthy meals with vegetarian option), accommodations (communal), transportation costs NOT included. Student rates available.
Please email info@taikonyc.com to sign up!
Photo credit: http://www.japanbullet.com/features/kodo-soloist-turns-wadaiko-dream-into-reality